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MUN 宜昌歐陽修學校國際部模擬聯(lián)合國社團簡介
來源:國際部 發(fā)布日期:2024年1月2日 作者:李翠銀 閱讀1141次

  MUN 宜昌歐陽修學校模擬聯(lián)合國社團于2023年12月28日成立了,正式成員40人, 將于2024年2月29日舉行首屆會議。國際部學生部長蔣詩語同學兼任首屆模聯(lián)主席,并主持第一場大會。大會主題為全球化globalization。模擬聯(lián)合國社團的成立旨在培養(yǎng)學生的外交官素質(zhì), 標志著學校在培養(yǎng)學生的跨文化交際能力方面正式優(yōu)化了平臺。培養(yǎng)學生的外交官素質(zhì),是一項特別有意義的活動。 無論是官方外交和民間外交,都需要學校培養(yǎng)一批具備跨文化交際能力的國際化人才,這是學校義不容辭的責任。傳道、授業(yè)、解惑是學校主要任務,地球村時代需要學校充分滿足各類學生成長的不同需求,助力有理想的學生走到世界舞臺的中央去講好中國故事,讓世界了解中國并欣賞中國。

       Learn to show a positive diplomatic image and character of yourself and learn to express yourself in a well-mannered way. Learn to write as a political figure,speak as a news anchor, and negotiate and debate as a diplomat.


  模擬聯(lián)合國大會, 是一種角色扮演活動, 學生扮演的都是各國的外交官、政府首腦和各領域的精英, 針對國際關注的話題,模擬聯(lián)合國大會的內(nèi)容和程序, 在對角色的想象、投入和扮演過程中, 去模仿和學習為人和精英要員, 擴展國際視野和背景知識, 鍛煉批判性思維和多角度思維能力,精準的英語表達能力,社交能力、表達和組織能力,跨文化交際能力, 建立國際性的人際關系網(wǎng)絡, 除了訓練英語表達能力和聯(lián)合國大會的流程以及基本常識, 模擬聯(lián)合國也是一種啟蒙教育, 有助于培養(yǎng)學生的領導力合使命感, 尤其是國際合作意識和高瞻遠矚的決策能力。

     Model United Nations is an academic simulation of the United Nations that aims to educate participants about civic, current events, effective communication, globalization and multilateral diplomacy. In traditional MUN, students take on roles as diplomats and participate in a simulated session of an intergovernmental organization. Participants research a country, take on roles as diplomats, investigate international issues, debate and then develop solutions to world problems. A successful delegate must have a firm grasp of his country and character’s position. A successful delegate must also be dedicated to finding creative, collaborative solutions to the international problems addressed in committee. Research your country’s relevant history, actions and position in order to debate effectively and realistically Use the Background Guide as the starting point for your research.Have a firm understanding of MUN ProcedureDiscuss, debate, collaborate, and contribute to written work during committee.Interact and learn from the other delegates both in and out of committee. All delegates are expected to wear professional.

參與模擬聯(lián)合國大會的主要學習方法:5P(五步法) Preview Presentation →  Problem –Solving  Practice Performance. 









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